Be A Blessing has just learned of two kids who lost their mother unexpectedly today. Every once in a while a story comes along that moves us deeply, and forces us to act. They need our help now. Please donate to the GoFundMe Campaign for PhillipFobbs and his little sister. At Be A Blessing we believe there is power in small acts of kindness. Here is the situation:
The world lost a beautiful mom this morning to cancer. Tawana Goldring leaves behind her 19-year-old son Phillip and 13-year-old daughter Ariana. Tawana moved to Florida from Maryland to start a better life for her and her children. Shortly after, she was diagnosed with cancer and underwent very aggressive treatment. Not long after, her son Philip was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Tawana began to decline very rapidly, more rapidly than they expected. She passed away suddenly today. The children have a very elderly grandmother and an aunt who lives in Maryland. Neither is in the position to take the children in or help financially. So, Philip just became guardian to his sister (a high school student). Since they did not expect Tawana's rapid decline, there were no arrangements made and they are at a loss tonight and so many things are undetermined. For religious reasons, Tawana cannot be cremated. At this time, the plan is for Philip to move his sister back to Maryland to be near the only family they have. Since this is so very fresh for them, they are still trying to wrap their heads around what has happened.
Phillip's dance teacher, Vicky Blevins owns Victoria's School of Dance, and she set up the GoFundMe page on his behalf. His dance family is helping in every way they can. Shortly after his diagnosis, this piece was created to show their love and admiration for him.
The local community in Florida is coming together to provide food for the children and raise money to pay their rent for the next couple of months so Phillip can complete his current round of treatment. They will also help to pack and move them when the time comes to depart for Maryland. The financial need is quite large, including medical expenses, rent, repairs to a car, funeral expenses, the cost to transport the casket from FL to MD, travel expenses for the funeral, moving expenses, etc.
This poor young man has lost his mom, is battling his own cancer, and is now responsible for his young sister. Whether you can contribute or not, please say a prayer for these two children as they try to navigate these new waters and for their heartbreak as they woke up this morning with a mom and are going to bed tonight without her.
We thank you in advance for Being A Blessing today. We are stronger together and we can show Phillip and Ariana that they are not alone.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Join our new project! #40for$40
A Blessing is at it again! We're calling on our network for help
supplying the Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter with gasoline cards.
Can you donate a $40 gas card today toward our #40for$40 campaign?
Here are step-by-step instructions to purchase the card online. OR if you'd prefer, we would be happy to make the purchase for you! Just send $43 via PayPal to and we’ll take care of filling out the form.*
1. Go to
2. For "Card Value:" choose "Other Amount" and enter $40
getting to know our partner, we have learned that most of the Shelter
Residents are single mothers with multiple children, and many rely on
shared rides to search
for permanent housing and employment. In some cases transportation
expenses are the only thing keeping them from moving in with family
members willing to help. Your donation of one tank of gas will help them
move forward to achieve the stability they need.

Here are step-by-step instructions to purchase the card online. OR if you'd prefer, we would be happy to make the purchase for you! Just send $43 via PayPal to and we’ll take care of filling out the form.*
1. Go to
2. For "Card Value:" choose "Other Amount" and enter $40
4. For "To:" type "Nurjan Ahmedova" (she is the Community Coordinator at the Shelter)
5. In "From:" type your name
6. For "Personal Message:" type "May this gift Be A Blessing"
8. Double check the "Message Preview"
10. Click "CHECK OUT"
11. Enter your billing information and email
12. Click to accept the terms and conditions
13. Enter shipping address: Nurjan Ahemdova, 12970 Katherine Hanley Court,
Fairfax, VA 22030 (note: $2.95 shipping fee will be added)
14. Click PURCHASE
15. Click OK to confirm address (if prompted)
16. Social Media!!! Help us spread the word:
~Twitter: Tweet #40for$40 and tag us at @BeABlessingorg
~Facebook: Post #40for$40 on your timeline and tag one of Be A Blessing's Founders
Thank you for Being A Blessing today!
*You will receive confirmation of your donation directly from the Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter. Because
Shelter House is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your financial
contribution is tax-exempt. Their tax identification number is 52-1217106.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
The Gs and one H
Blog Post by Meka Sales
“All shall be well, all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well” ~Julian of Norwich
Life—it’s all right.
That’s basically what the Julian of Norwich quote exemplifies and throughout
this Lenten season of practicing gratitude, I have really embraced this notion.
Life is GOOD. It’s messy, funny, complex, layered, exhausting, exhilarating,
AND good. I’ve practiced gratitude before during different seasons of my life and
this one felt a little different. Somehow it felt more ordinary. As if the
ordinary was just enough for me to tap into contentment and peace even when
challenges presented themselves.
Gratitude is a lovely
cycle of…well, gratitude. By sharing what I was grateful for each day I was
expecting good things to happen and looking for the good in bad things that
happened. Either way, I carried an expectation that there would lots to be grateful for, and at
the end of each day I usually had numerous things from which to choose. Mostly
they were small things like when I was having a challenging day, a nice word or
gesture from the woman at the bank let me know that I am cared for and cared
about. Or a long, luxurious phone call with a friend catching up on
relationships and life. Sometimes they were big things where loved ones
traveled many miles just to BE with us or something I was really anxious about
doing somehow ended up not happening. I can honestly say that I woke each day
with the expectation that it was going to be a good day and I believe that by
focusing on having a grateful spirit, the universe shifted just a little bit in
my favor.
GRACE and I got to
know each other real well over these past 40+ days. She was like an uninvited
but extremely welcomed guest. Actually, one day an old friend stopped by
unexpectedly and I was so blessed by her short visit. She reminded me of the
importance of having a spirit of hospitality and I was glad that she knew she
could come over unannounced. Grace, like my friend, just showed up always at
the right time. It was like God saying, yep, I’m here and my power is real. One
thing I noticed is that it showed up the most when I was obedient. Often times,
I get an assignment from God and I’ve been known to ignore it. There were days
during this Lenten season when I said, ok God, I will do whatever you tell me
to do today. One assignment was to simply call a friend I hadn’t talked to in
many months. When she answered my call, her first words were, “God must have
told you to call me.”
Happiness isn’t about
getting what you want all the time. It’s about loving what you have and being
grateful for the same. I don’t know who wrote this, but I believe it. As I
practiced loving what I have during this season, I felt a deep sense of
happiness. I felt grounded, safe, and stable. This connection with myself made
connecting with others less frightening. I was able to just let the interaction
happen with ease and allow grace and peace to do their thing. A friend of 20+
years, who spent a weekend with me, told me that I hadn’t seemed this happy
since our carefree early college days.
Now if practicing gratitude can bring an ease that’s reminiscent of a time when I literally had no worries, that’s the space that I want to live in each day.
Now if practicing gratitude can bring an ease that’s reminiscent of a time when I literally had no worries, that’s the space that I want to live in each day.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Lessons on Giving, Energy, and Abundance
Blog Post by Elyse Leeds Acanda
This past Saturday, five years of planning resulted in 23 sweet
children receiving all the supplies they need to start the school year. Be A Blessing truly came to life in the lobby
of the Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter!
In a flurry of activity and excited chatter, backpacks were loaded full
of brand new supplies and hearts were left full of gratitude—on both sides of
the exchange!
Three large tables were set up, one each for Elementary,
Middle, and High School students. The tables were overflowing with
stacks and stacks of supplies in beautiful abundance! It was our Amazon Wish
List made manifest. We provided check-off lists so that each child could pick
out their own items required for their grade, from backpacks to pencil
sharpeners to flash drives. The Be A Blessing founders and a couple of loving
volunteers helped organize the ‘shopping’ activity and made sure each child
received everything needed, in colors of their choosing. The kids loved it.
We’ve all heard before that “When you give, you get,” and
“It is in giving that we receive,” and on this past Saturday, Be A Blessing
proved these theories fact. One mother
of two literally gave us all chills and brought us close to tears when she
said, “You really are being a blessing today.”
Our mission is to serve women and children by creating
opportunities that make it easy for others to join together to
fulfill an identified need. The Be A Blessing network came to life and rose
beautifully to the occasion of our first project, purchasing over $3,500 worth
of school supplies in just 30 days. In
fact, we had over $1,000 donated in the final week of our campaign!
Be A Blessing is a co-creation of four women with demanding
full-time jobs and families. We identified a need and made it easy for
people to contribute. We managed all the details with the shelter, coordinated an Amazon Wish List to match the need, conducted a daily
marketing campaign to spread the word, organized the incoming product shipments
to keep a tight inventory and deal with errors, met on a weekly basis for
updates and planning, and personally contributed financially. The month of July
was abuzz with Be A Blessing activity for us, right along with our family and professional
responsibilities. Each founder took on the roles best suited to her strengths, and we committed to make it happen!
...And so August 10 was a beautiful day! Working together to see a
vision realized is incredibly satisfying. We witnessed the joy in the children’s
faces as they were loaded down with heavy backpacks, and the
gratitude in the faces of the relieved parents—now with one less thing to worry about. When
all of the children had been served, we cleaned and reorganized the remaining donations into the Shelter’s school supply closet. And through all of this work, I
believe WE were the ones most energized by the experience.
We are so grateful for the power of the Be A Blessing
community—our friends and family, and everyone two or three (or more!) times
removed who heard about our project and made a contribution. THANK YOU!
I am incredibly thankful to be one of the
founders of Be A Blessing. Working on a project with some of my best friends
has been challenging AND very rewarding. It has stretched me out of my comfort
zone and allowed me to impart my values to my children through tangible action.
It has helped me stay positive through a very rough time in my life, while
feeling incredibly supported by powerful, capable women. And it has shined a
spotlight on my strengths and reminded me that I can accomplish anything I set
my mind to. I am very excited about the future of Be A Blessing and can’t wait to
see what we do next! ❤
Friday, July 26, 2013
My personal memories on how this giving circle, Be A Blessing, came to be...
January 5, 2008~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
a cold winter Monday a.m., I hit my desk. 30 minutes until meeting time. And here I go: E-mail. E-mail. E-mail.
E-mail. And yet another e-mail. Oohh
wait! This is a good one. It’s from Meka, my longtime dear friend who now lives
in N.C.
Wow! I could certainly use a good girl’s weekend. Save-the-date for fun-fun-fun, I tell myself. And then, back to e-mail!
April 28, 2008~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Now it’s a beautiful spring Monday a.m. but
one thing hasn’t changed. I have a boat
load of e-mail to read in 30 minutes flat.
There’s Meka again. Reminding that our girl’s weekend is coming up. OK, got it. Date is now officially locked. I’m speed reading but what catches my eye is all the additional detail on exactly how we’ll spend our time. AND the fact that she asked me, and the other three women who are coming, to send her a childhood picture.
Hmmm? What’s she up to? Who knows, but she is planning early. So this may very well be the best girl’s weekend of all time. I see visions of spa treatments, drinks, food —just can’t wait.
are finally there! The moment I walked into her and Mike’s home, I could feel
something special in the air! There were candles, and wonderful smelling
flowers. And remember those childhood
pictures, well they were blown-up and placed around the room. We even had folders
that contained different readings and an outlined agenda of our time. Whoa!
I knew in an instant this
party had a clear and intentional purpose.
No spa, but lots of soul searching. No pedicure, but lots of plans for
our future. How could we, little old us, come together to serve in a major way?
We let our imaginations run free.
Nothing was off-limits and we brainstormed… a lot.
These are just a few of my own personal memories on how this
giving circle, Be A Blessing, came to
be. Before Meka’s letter, I was not really familiar with the term “giving
circle.” But as we explored it together I was struck by
the simplicity, yet potential impactful, of the concept.
Now the words from the earlier e-mails, about how we would
reconnect and why, all made sense. On that weekend we devised a shared vision,
and then set out to really make it come true. We would harness our collective
power, intellect, talents, time, compassion, and social networks to reach out
into the world and provide a needed change. Our singular focus would be on
women and children.
July 25, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Today as I write, Be A Blessing is just over the half-way
point of a month-long drive to provide 30 homeless children at the Katherine K.
Hanley Family Shelter with supplies for the 2013–14 school year. With only eight days left, we are overjoyed with the outpouring of support thus far, and remain
confident that we will reach the goal—to outfit each of the 30 children by the
August 2 deadline.
In Be A Blessing I’m just one little piece of something far
bigger than myself. But I’m truly humbled to be a founding member, to help
others, and to do so with my closest friends on the earth. As we wrap-up our final push to help the 30
children in the shelter, I can’t help but of think of both my grandmothers.
They are veteran teachers who dedicated their careers to their students, as well
as their own children. If (I’m sorry: WHEN!) we make this goal—this one is for
them. :)
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